Wall | |
Type |
Block |
Tool Used |
Stackable |
Yes (64) |
Luminosity |
None |
Transparency |
Translucent |
First Appearance |
Update 0.8.0 |
Walls are Blocks that were added in Update 0.8.0.
There are 14 variants of Walls:
- Cobblestone
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Granite
- Diorite
- Andesite
- Brick
- Stone Brick
- Mossy Stone Brick
- Sandstone
- Red Sandstone
- Nether Brick
- Red Nether Brick
- End Stone Brick
Walls can be obtained by Crafting. Cobblestone Walls also naturally spawn in Woodland Mansions.
- 6 Cobblestone/Mossy Cobblestone => 6 Cobblestone/Mossy Cobblestone Walls
Mobs and the Player cannot jump over a wall, making them a useful safety item around Lava, dangerous falls, etc. It can also be used to keep Mobs inside or outside an area.
A Wall can still be climbed by placing a Block in front of the wall, or putting a Carpet above it.
- It takes longer to mine a Wall than it takes to mine a Block of Cobblestone.
- Wooden Fences cannot connect to Walls. However, Fence Gates may connect to them.
- A Spider can still climb over a wall.
- Bug: Mobs used to get stuck in Walls.
- This was fixed in Update 0.11.0.
- Walls are thicker than Fences.
- Unlike Fences, Leads cannot be attached to Walls.
- Different types of walls can still connect to each other.