Minecraft Bedrock Wiki

Zoltegamer Zoltegamer 19 March 2019

The wiki is dead

Comment if you still want to help.

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Zoltegamer Zoltegamer 2 February 2019

1.10 beta/future updates

Hey everyone, the update 1.10 first beta is now out and has been, which means that 1.9 is (probably) coming soon. Who’s excited for the full V&P release?? I know I am.

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Zoltegamer Zoltegamer 1 January 2019

Happy new year/ Times of need

Wishing a happy new year to all people here!

Ok. A very important thing has gone down.

  • Wikia joins forces with curse media, which means that the time is limited for this wiki. On Holroy’s latest blog, he suspects we may be shut down. So we must update all pages that need updating before that. 1.6 and all pages in it and all pages after that. If we can’t revive the wiki, we can still update it.
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Zoltegamer Zoltegamer 2 December 2018

Helping the wiki

Okay, this is my first blog on this wiki, and I hope that I can be a good editor and helper in general to the wiki. Speaking of the wiki, I have seen several threads, in both forum and on admin’s walls, about helping the wiki revive from its slumber. I came to a almost-dead wiki. If we, the users and editors, could work together to help it, we could give new users a chance to come to a helpful, friendly and thriving community instead of an about dead one. If you have any ideas about how you can help, comment down below or go to My message wall. If we have a good enough collection of ideas, we can go to the admins about it. Thanks!

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