Temporary Wikibreak
Hello there everyone, I would like to inform you all that I will be going on a temporary Wikibreak. At the moment, I don't have the time to be on here all that much, due to my academic competitions approaching, meaning I am heavily ramping up my studying levels, which means I will likely be unable to spare much time for them. Nothing is really changing from before this post, I haven't been that active recently either, I'm just informing you guys why I'll be inactive over the next month or two, and why I've been inactive recently.
Between February 23 and March 4 I'll get more active, as I wait for the results of a qualifying test, but after that, assuming I qualify (which is a safe assumption to make), I'll go right back into inactivity for …
Upcoming Inactivity
Hello there everyone, I would like to inform you all that from September 24 to 27, I will be inactive, due to going on a school trip where we aren't allowed to bring phones. If you would like to contact me during this time, please know that I will not see your message. If you have any Wiki-related issues during this time, please contact RedstoneDemigod, Holroy, Rith4life, or Pigman0439.
Hello guys, I would like to inform you guys that this week I am going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship with my class to Eagle Bluff in Minnesota. We are not allowed to take electronics, so I will be offline starting Monday. We are returning Friday. During that period, if you have anything for me, know that I will not see it until Friday afternoon. If you need to contact a staff member, please do not contact me. Instead contact RedstoneDemigod. This is a short blog post, but I thought you guys should know this.
Election Reforms
Note: This is just a proposal, which has not been adapted yet, or revealed to anyone. RedstoneDemigod has given me permission to make a blog about this.
Good day people of the Minecraft Bedrock Wiki, I am here with a proposal that would significantly change elections as we know them. Please read the entire post before coming to a conclusion about these reforms. I have been wanting to introduce them for a long time, but only recently decided to stop procrastinating and actually get them done. So, here the proposed reforms are.
Retention elections would occur every 6 months. These elections will be an up or down, yes or no vote on whether or not to keep the staff member in question. They will be held the third weeks in December and July. Votin…
My Wikiversary...
So yeah. That happened, but I forgot to post about it. About a week ago I remembered and decided to make a post, but I forgot. So, I'll just do it now.
In my one year on the Wiki, lots has happened. There have been many friends I made here. I rose, and then I fell. Let's review my year here.
I started out on March 9, 2017. At first, I was mostly a forum user. But then the format policy was announced, and lots of pages needed updating, so I helped update them. In the upcoming Tri-Rollback Election, I got first place with about 25%, being promoted along with HerobrineAC0318 and VendettaVisionGuy. I was not expecting that.
In the summer, there was a lot of hype for 1.2. I didn't really help moderate the comments, but I did moderate the related p…