Minecraft Bedrock Wiki

MasterOfMelons MasterOfMelons 18 May 2019

What happened?

What ever happened to this wiki? It once used to be one of the most active minecraft communities, yet nowadays what remains active of it are 2-3 forum games and a few edits here and there. What caused this? I became inavtive as well but I would expect new users to arrive once I left. Is there any hope for the future? Are there any plans? Is any staff member still here? Does anyone know what happened to darth? Or at least could anyone who is still here please explain to me how did this happen?

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MasterOfMelons MasterOfMelons 23 August 2018

I'm back I guess

Mabye few remember me but recently I decided to come back to miencraft pe for a while because I was given a staff rank on a server and I have some ideas that i never managed to implement while i was an active player. So now I am given the chance and yea basically I'm back. So I might be active on the wiki too. I rejoined today and saw rith's post about the wiki dying and I really want to help so if anyone knows how i can help tell me please. I really don't want to see my favourite wiki die. 

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MasterOfMelons MasterOfMelons 1 October 2017



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MasterOfMelons MasterOfMelons 6 July 2017

I need help

The server I am co owner on is full of glitches since 1.1 update. I tried to join the leet forums but it doesn't work. Does anyone know how to login on the leet forums. 

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MasterOfMelons MasterOfMelons 18 June 2017

This blog is not about minecraft being ruined.

I just wanted to say I passed my english exam that lower if anyone knows it :D

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