Minecraft Bedrock Wiki

Just An Assassin's Creed Addict Just An Assassin's Creed Addict 16 November 2018

10,000 Edits?

it's been 3 years what

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Inactivity (again)/Possible Hiatus?

Hey everyone, JAACA here. Another inactivity blog, huh? Yeah, it's going to be weird how busy I've been lately considering I'm usually on 24/7, but real life just hates me now I guess. I'm definitely not leaving though, I'd really hate to do that. It might turn into a bit of a hiatus (though I don't really consider it to be) if things get too chaotic, but otherwise I'll just be much less active than usual. I'll probably still occasionally be on BTUAY in the case of forum games (pretty much the only reason this place is still going anyway), but you probably won't see me in forum rushes or on the usual all of them soon. So yeah. Not much, but this'll just be a notice just in case.


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All right, let's just get this over with.

Well, I've been busy, and I will be for a couple months. It doesn't mean I'm taking a hiatus, leaving the wiki (yes I still pride myself over that prank), or anything like that, just that I won't be as active as usual. Probably only on the weekends.

So nothing too special for this blog.

JAACA out.

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One Year Wikiversary!

Heh, I'm a little late for this, but one day and one year ago, October 16th, 2016, was the day I first joined the Wiki, making yesterday my one year Wikiversary! It's been a pretty great year with all of you guys, I hope I'll be here for many more amazing years on the Minecraft (Pocket Edition?) Wiki to come. A special thanks to these users (and another thanks to others who've unfortunately already left Fandom or those I've forgotten to put on this list lol);

JustJuuno/Raddish Gaming


Internet explorer 6








Parakeet Gaming

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Happy birthday to me...?

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