Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Minecraft Bedrock Wiki

Hello Everybody! Minecon Earth 2018 has just announced Minecraft Update 1.14, the Village and Pillage Update. Here is a list of things we know are coming in this update:

  1. Villages will be biome-dependent, and will get complete overhauls with different structures in different biomes.
  2. Villagers will be given new skins depending on their profession and their biome.
  3. Trading will be improved.
  4. Villagers will be "smarter".
  5. Sandstone Walls, (possibly Red Sandstone Walls).
  6. Smooth Sandstone Stairs
  7. Village Raids
  8. Pillagers
  9. Pillager Beasts
  10. Crossbows (three new enchantments)