What is everyone doing on the wiki
I was looking around the wiki and found that not many people use this wiki. So who ever is still on the wiki and is reading this, how are you?
Minecraft EDU on App store
As the title suggests, Minecraft Education Edition is now on the App Store. I only found out today and maybe you might’ve seen it there. This is just for people who didn’t know!
Hey guys! I got back from my trip to LA yesterday! I didn't tell u cuz I didn't know where to go. But I am back. Soon I will tell u about it. It is really omazing! (Omazing is how I say amazing now, 😆!) Cya soon. -BrianGardenHead, the owner of the universe.
There in Vannila MCPE!
Welcome back, Nether Reactor, Glowing Obsidian, Invisible Bedrock, Welcome Stained Glass and Portal! http://mcpedl.com/unobtainable-items-addon/