Update 1.6 |
The second Beta released related to Update 1.6 aka, adds features related to the Phantom and bug fixes! See changelog.
New Features[]
- Personal Game Mode is now set to the Default Game Mode option when first joining a world.
- Fixed several crashes that occurred during gameplay.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when placing renamed items in an Anvil's output slot.
- Fixed mobs missing several limbs on the previous Android beta.
- Crouching on Ladders will no longer stop when opening the pause menu or inventory screen.
- Firework Rockets once again give the proper boost when using Elytra (MCPE-30821).
- Barrier Blocks can now contain water.
- Field of View can once again be adjusted when the "FoV Can Be Altered by Gameplay" option is disabled (MCPE-32403).
- Redstone dust now renders on the sides of Glass blocks (MCPE-21542).
- The Ender Dragon is no longer missing the texture on its neck when playing the Norse Mythology Mash-up Pack.
- Fixed the mining cracking animation being out of sync when mining from a Boat.
- Increased the health of Phantoms from 10 to 20.
- Fixed a couple of pixels on the Phantom's texture.
- Phantoms are now considered undead mobs.
- Phantoms can now drown in water.
- Phantoms' eyes now stay visible when under the invisibility effect.
- Phantoms now fly up after spawning in Creative mode.
- Changes to the Phantom flying animation.
- TNT exploding underwater no longer deals damage to players and other entities.
- Drowned now have a much easier time attacking players that are swimming above them.
- Kelp that is planted by players will now grow over time.
- Baby Horses, Donkeys and Mules can no longer be pushed through solid block.
- Creepers no longer remain white or quickly flash when killed.
- Using
//fill doors
now fills the chosen area with doors instead of air blocks. - Fixed the Cancel button not appearing on Windows 10 devices when joining a cross-platform world.
- Kelp now mimics Seagrass in its placement and can be placed on most blocks underwater (MCPE-33747).
- Fixed a crash that occurred when players were spawning and the spawn point was getting set every tick.
- Land plants can no longer be placed underwater.
- Water Bottle icons no longer have red liquid on Android devices. It wasn't creepy or anything.
- Guardians no longer attack fish.
- Visibility now increases over time when submerged in flowing water.
- Used Chests can now be equipped to Mules and Llamas (MCPE-32152).
- Swimming through certain waterlogged blocks no longer removes underwater fog (MCPE-33917).
- Activating an End Portal will now replace any blocks inside the portal (MCPE-28344).
- Opening Book and Quill on touch devices no longer causes blocks to break (MCPE-29752).
- Elder Guardians now drop Wet Sponges when killed.
- Fixed floating Rails that generated in abandoned mineshafts.
- Fixed certain variants of Rails having an incorrect hitbox size.
- Fixed monster spawners appearing empty on converted Console Edition worlds.
- Dolphins can no longer attack players through solid blocks.
- The Resistance effect will now protect against the Wither effect (MCPE-21515).
- Quick moving items from the hotbar to a container now works as intended (MCPE-19952).
- Cloning containers no longer removes their custom names.
- Hitting the ↵ Enter key in the inventory no longer moves the cursor in/out of the text field or grabs/drops items.
- Particles from Enchanted Arrows no longer drift in flowing water.
- Mobs no longer play a higher pitch sound effect when first spawned.
- Fixed Texture Packs having a placeholder icon on the Pack Validation screen on Android devices.
- Players constantly teleported with now behaves more consistently.