Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Update 1.6

The first Beta released related to Update 1.6 aka, adding features related to the Phantom and Barrier Blocks! See changelog.

New Features[]

  • Phantom mobs will now spawn in the night skies if a player hasn't slept in over three in-game days.
  • Barrier Blocks:
    • Great for map makers to limit players to certain areas of the world.
    • Can be placed in Creative mode and are invisible in Survival and Adventure modes.
    • Can only be obtained using commands and do not appear in the Creative inventory.


  • Menu and inventory tabs can now be navigated using the [ and ] keys (Can be remapped in Settings).
  • Pages can now be turned in the Book and Quill using the controller bumper buttons.


  • Fixed several crashes that occurred during gameplay.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using Pick Block in a spot where a mob just died.
  • Increased performance for menu load times.
  • Fixed water flowing incorrectly from Stairs that contained water source blocks.
  • Top Snow will now break once it hits water.
  • Fixed received items disappearing after trading a renamed item with a Villager (MCPE-33830).
  • Maps once again update properly when held in the main hand (MCPE-34169).
  • Players are now able to return to the Overworld if an End Portal is on their spawn point.
  • Lowered the volume of the 'punching air' sound effect.
  • Fixed Guardians spawning even when Mob Spawning is disabled (MCPE-34027).
  • Fixed Strays and Skeletons having trouble leaving the water to attack players.
  • Food particles no longer gradually change position after swimming and will always come out of the player's mouth area MCPE-33984).
  • Observers will now detect changes with Droppers, Dispensers, Brewing Stands, Farmland, Saplings, Sugar Cane, Fire, and Grass Blocks.
  • Items can once again be crafted from the Recipe Book while the Craftable filter is disabled and the player only has enough materials to craft a single recipe.
  • Fixed the speed boost given by Dolphins being too slow when wearing armor with Depth Strider.
  • Wolves no longer get stuck attacking Skeletons that are underwater.
  • Donkeys and Mules can now only be ridden by players after being tamed (MCPE-25737).
  • Blazes now attack Snow Golems (MCPE-13191).
  • Using the /setblock command on Redstone components will now properly update and power the mechanism (MCPE-21218).
  • Command Blocks now correctly conduct Redstone Power (MCPE-33021).
  • Operator permissions are now granted to players when the host creates a world with Trust Player Permissions set to Operator.
  • Bucket now stack properly when getting ejected from crafting output.
  • Experience orbs spawned with the /summon command will now grant experience to players.
  • The gamepad cursor can now be used to navigate Villager trades (MCPE-33330).
  • Fixed overlapping issues with the Dragon Head equipped on the inventory screen.
  • The Crafting Table's output field hover state now matches the field's size.
  • Selecting the output of an uncraftable recipe no longer causes the output item to disappear.