Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Update 1.2.13

Build 10[1] was the 3rd beta of Update 1.2.13, released on March 16, 2018.

Changes and Additions[]

  • Experimental Gameplay:

A handful of features from Update Aquatic have been added to the beta via Experimental Gameplay. These features are incomplete and are not representative of final gameplay but feedback is absolutely welcome! These are also not all of the Update Aquatic features coming to Minecraft and more is on the way. 'Use Experimental Gameplay' can be toggled in World Settings. This may break your world so a copy of your world will be created with "[EX]" before the world name. This feature cannot be disabled once it is enabled for a world and any progress will not be saved to the original world.

  • Added Drowned mobs.
  • Added new swimming animation.
  • Added the Trident and new enchantments: Channeling, Loyalty, Riptide, Impaling.
  • Added Stripped Wood.
  • Added Slabs and Stairs for Prismarine, Prismarine Brick, and Dark Prismarine.

Bug Fixes[]

  • Fixed an issue that caused named entities to lose their names when opening a world in Beta.
  • Iron Golems no longer spawn when Mob Spawning is disabled.
  • Rain, smoke particles, and shadows are no longer visible through Lava.
  • Disabling "Visible to LAN Players" for one world no longer disables it for all worlds.
  • Buttons cloned in a "pressed" state no longer remain pressed forever.
  • A warning now appears instructing not to close the game when exporting a world.
  • The power output of Comparators is no longer lost after a world is converted from Xbox One Edition.
  • Pick Block no longer replaces the item currently selected in the hotbar if other slots are empty.

Internal Beta Bug Fixes[]

  • Increased stability and fixed several crashes.
  • Abandoned Mineshafts no longer generate above ground.
  • Fixed improper Mushroom Blocks obtained from giant red mushrooms when using Pick Block.
  • Tools now work properly and no longer shake in-hand.
  • Sticky Pistons no longer turn into regular Pistons after being renamed.
  • Tripwire Hooks once again appear in Jungle Temples.
  • Players can once again stand on top of Ladders.
  • Mob heads can no longer be duplicated by placing them in water.
  • Strongholds once again generate with Mossy Stone Bricks and Cracked Stone Bricks.
  • The maximum render distance on Xbox One X is once again 22 chunks.
  • More than one line of text can once again be placed on Signs.
  • The B button no longer has to be pressed twice on the controller to deselect a skin in the Skin Picker.
  • Heads and Skulls that are placed on a walls no longer have incorrect hitbox positions.
  • Invisible Vines no longer appear on Jungle Trees.
  • Torches can once again be placed in the same block occupied by a Player.
  • The Player now descend more slowly in water.
  • Fixed world updates occasionally not rendering.

