Updates |
Pre 1.0
Pre-Release | 0.1.0 Post 1.0
Update 1.2.11 was put into certification around February 20, 2018[1], but it failed and was delayed[2]. The full release was on March 8, 2018[3]. See changelog.
Highlights from this update[]
- Moving full stacks between Containers is once again possible on Pocket UI.
- Increased the speed of crop growth and grass spreading.
- Vines that don't have a support block will no longer float in mid-air.
- Pistons no longer get into a state where they pause, activate randomly, and potentially crash the game.
- The Beam Me Up Achievement can once again be unlocked.
- Friendly Fire (PvP) can now be toggled from World Options.
- Adjusted vertical look acceleration when using a controller.
Bug Fixes[]
- Fixed a crash that occurred when firing projectiles.
- The 'Beam Me Up' achievement can once again be unlocked.
- Starting Map and Bonus Chest can no longer be toggled for template worlds.
- Increased the speed of crop growth and grass spreading.
- Players no longer float above beds while sleeping.
- Vines that don't have a support block will no longer float in mid-air.
- Players can no longer jump out of Minecarts using the default jump button if it has been bound to a different button.
- Minecarts no longer collide with adjacent minecarts on separate tracks.
- The map owner's icon is now sorted to the top of the map.
- When elevated, directional blocks now always face upwards, regardless of the player's coordinates.
- Maps can now be held simultaneously in the main hand and offhand.
- Pistons no longer get into a state where they pause, activate randomly, and potentially crash the game.
- Sticky Pistons and Slime Blocks can no longer pull and break Comparators.
- Shulker Boxes will no longer be dispensed as items if the Dispenser is obstructed.
- Burned out Redstone Torches will no longer reactivate until they receive a block update or are replaced.
- Reduced the explosion range of Creepers.
- Endermen that are aggravated will now take fall damage as they should, no longer breaking Ender Pearl farms.
- Fixed an incorrect amount of wool blocks that can be dyed in the Recipe Book.
User Interface[]
- Moving full stacks between containers is once again possible on Pocket UI.
- Made it easier to invite friends to games by pressing X on the invite screen.
- Creative menu tabs can now be scrolled using the Right Thumbstick when the Hide Gamepad Cursor option is enabled.
- Selecting Sync Worlds no longer causes the selected button to dramatically shift up (Xbox One).
- Removed unnecessary text from map tooltips in the inventory.
- Pressing the Menu button on the Xbox One controller will now execute quick commands.