Minecraft Bedrock Wiki

The first Beta related to Update 1.12 was released on 17 April, 2019. See changelog.


  • Item instance IDs can now be synchronized between clients and servers.
  • Added auto complete to Command Blocks.
  • Added spawnRadius gamerule
    • Players can specify in their worlds called spawnRadius. The concept was adapted from how Java Edition implemented it. It allows players to specify a number between 0 and 32 to create an allowed area for spawning to take place. So a spawn radius of 27 is a larger circle than a radius of 12. Players then will spawn in a random location in that radius.
  • Enabled content logging on Bedrock Dedicated Server
  • Added a delay option to command blocks
    • A delay can be added to the command block using the new field. The ticks for this delay are Redstone ticks.
  • New Items can be added using Add-Ons
  • Mob events can now be enabled and disabled in world templates
  • Animations and particles can be added without being linked to entities
  • Inventory, Armor, and hand containers can be adapted through scripting
  • Sound effects can now be triggered by animation events
  • Added new executeCommand to the Scripting API
  • Added Scripting events for interaction with items, for example:
    • Item picked up
    • Item dropped
    • Carried item changed
  • Added One-shot animation support, allowing the ability to execute a single animation on an entity
  • Particle emitters can now trigger Scripting Events
  • Updated documentation of Actor Events, to document client-side usage of actor events in resource packs
  • Add Block components now use JSON schemas
  • Created a screen to view content log errors
  • The log screen can be opened using Ctrl+H, or by going to Settings→Profile
  • Added code to allow static validation scripts to be run locally
  • Custom blocks can now be added through Scripting

This is currently still a 'work in progress' feature, and more functionality will be added in future updates.

    • Custom blocks can currently only be added through additional JSON scripting
    • Custom blocks can only be placed with slash commands
This section has been heavily edited for summarizing purposes. For the the full changelog see here



  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • Improved chunk loading performance in multiplayer
  • Further improvements to performance when using selectors with commands
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when switching players on Xbox
  • Cached resource packs no longer cause lag on Nintendo Switch (MCPE-36976)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when launching the game on some Windows 10 devices
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when certain interactive blocks (e.g. Beds, Chests, Furnaces) are loading in when joining a Realm.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when engaging in a fight with an Elder Guardian in an Ocean Monument
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when throwing a Trident with Loyalty Loyalty Enchantment
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when exiting the game


  • Player permissions now apply correctly when more than one operator tries to adjust them
  • Arrows that are shot into blocks keep their position when reloading the world
  • Area of Effect clouds no longer try to spawn excessive numbers of particles when time of day is changed (MCPE-39595)
  • Marketplace resource packs are now immediately applied after downloading in the world edit menu (MCPE-33121)
  • The 'Always Day' toggle now correctly animates and shows the correct setting (MCPE-43304)
  • Flowing water is no longer left behind after flowing over string (MCPE-36343)
  • After the fishing_hook is killed by command the player can now cast the hook again without having to right click twice
  • The screen reader prompt no longer appears every time the player adjusts the network settings on Nintendo Switch
  • Removed an unnecessary Xbox Live sign-in notification


  • Marketplace offers page can now show more than 25 items
  • Items that are split between slots in the Villager trade window still count as a total trade amount
  • Blocks can once again be placed on unlit Redstone Ore (MCPE-44305)
  • World settings now sync correctly between different Xbox devices
  • Only players who fought in a Raid see and receive the Hero effect in Realms now
  • Bells now ring when hit with splash and lingering potions
  • Mob spawners now only spawn mobs if the light level is below 7 (MCPE-42427)
  • Cocoa beans now break and drop when pushed by pistons (MCPE-41868)
  • Fixed several related issues with End Gateway portals. These should now teleport the player to the correct safe location when used (MCPE-43176, MCPE-43177, MCPE-19699)
  • Efficiency Pickaxes now break Packed Ice at a faster rate (MCPE-23648)
  • Players that are being healed can still be knocked back by TNT
  • Villagers now keep their job when cured (MCPE-42348)
  • The Grindstone now correctly combines and repairs two damaged items
  • You can now interact with blocks with a charged crossbow on touch devices
  • The Bad Omen effect is now only received when killing a Pillager Captain, and not when dealing non-fatal damage with a bow or damage potion
  • Fixed various scenarios where certain blocks couldn't be placed until the game was restarted

World Generation[]

  • Fixed a bug on Dedicated servers and Realms which could cause the wrong block types to generate
  • Tweaked the number of job sites in villages


  • Cured Villagers now keep their jobs
  • Vindicators can now path correctly over carpet during Raids
  • The Wither no longer plays its spawning animation when reloading a world (MCPE-32415)
  • Mobs will no longer path-find over Brewing Stands
  • Added sound to indicate when a Villager does not want to trade (during a Raid, for instance)
  • Pillager Captains now drop Banners correctly even if the world is reloaded
  • Mobs will now spawn on double slabs (MCPE-30765)
  • Re-added Zombie Villager sounds
  • Mobs now longer get stuck when pathfinding on ladders (MCPE-43034)
  • Added new Wandering Trader sounds
  • Converting a normal Pillager to a Captain with tag commands now displays the banner correctly
  • Evoker no longer moves too fast in "move to village" goal
  • Villagers that are actively trading with players will no longer run and hide if the raid bell rings
  • Clerics can now correctly pathfind to their jobsites


  • Scaffolding can no longer be placed on Conduit blocks (this matches Java now)
  • The Bell now swings towards a player when it is hit (matching Java) (MCPE-42469)


  • Dropped items no longer prevent Mine Carts from being placed on Rails
  • Empty glass bottles will now stack correctly when removed from brewing stands (MCPE-42175)
  • Shields no longer appear too bright in item frames (MCPE-41222)
  • Fixed Sea Grass texture brightness (MCPE-34795)
  • Barrel item is now in proper place in creative inventory (MCPE-43946)


  • Fixed a z-fighting texture issue on some Villager skins
  • Corrected the position of leads on Wolves

Noteblock particles now correctly correspond to the notes played

  • Fixed missing Zombie Villager skin
  • Farmland now has the correct side and bottom texture (MCPE-42746)
  • Fixed door and trapdoor texture issues (MCPE-43173)
  • Dyed leather horse armour colour no longer effects other horse armour (MCPE-43230)

User Interface[]

  • Added controller tooltips for Lectern UI
  • Adjusted Cartography UI to fit Android screens when using Classic UI
  • Villager trading UI no longer opens and closes if the player is standing too far away
  • Added lectern UI controller tooltip

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Fixed a scripting bug that could cause the player to float
  • Pickblock (middle click) now works correctly on non-vanilla entities that have been added using add-ons (MCPE-38205)
  • ScriptAttackComponent and ScriptCollisionBoxComponent now correctly retrieve updated data
  • Functions ran on a game loop now use an origin which has Game Master permissions, not Owner permissions
  • Added a new constructor parameter to the ServerCommandOrigin so that the Function Manager can create an instance with upgraded permissions.