Build 7, also known as, is the fifth beta released for Update 1.11.[1]
- Added new animation popups when acquiring Bad Omen and Hero of the Village
- Right-clicking on a trade will now auto-trade items
- Revamped the crafting recipes for the cartography table, smithing table, and fletching table
- A message will now display if a raid expires after two in-game days
- Vindicators can now break doors during raids
- Crashes/Performance
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that could occur when stepping into a nether portal the same time as a phantom (MCPE-43115)
- An evocation fang without an owner no longer crashes the game when it tries to deal damage (MCPE-43042)
- Downloading missing resource packs when creating a new world no longer makes the game unresponsive
- Improved performance on the villager trading screen
- General
- Fixed a lot of accessibility features and text to speech issues
- Disabling the Multiplayer Game setting will now apply when the world is packaged as a world template
- Gameplay
- Fixed players falling through blocks at around 65K blocks on the X or Z axes (MCPE-39299)
- Raid loading is no longer canceled if a player saves and quits
- Ringing a bell will no longer lock players out of trading with villagers
- Mobs
- Reduced the range of drowned attacking the nearest player
- Villagers heads no longer clip through walls while sleeping. Not sure how they felt. Hopefully better now (MCPE-42478)
- Adjusted some incorrect prices for villager trades
- Patrols can no longer stack up in the same spawn area
- Patrols will now avoid spawning near players if they are in a village
- Villagers no longer lose their job site association with smokers and blast furnaces while they are smelting
- Ravagers now move faster when moving into a village during raids
- Ravagers can no longer deal damage to villagers and other mobs from behind walls
- Pillagers can now spawn inside the pillager outpost structure
- Blocks
- Fixed particles not appearing while mining blocks
- Cobblestone slabs are no longer slabs and blocks at the same time (MCPE-42352)
- Lingering potions no longer cause bells to repeatedly ring
- Composters can no longer drop an endless amount of bone meal when pushed by pistons (MCPE-42429)
- Items
- Fixed some items having invisible bits when placed in item frames (MCPE-42415)
- Damaged tools can once again be smelted to recover gold/iron ingots (MCPE-42533)
- Cacti can once again be smelted into green dye (MCPE-42497)
- User Interface
- Updated the How to Play page on scaffolding to show the change to length of scaffolds
- Add-Ons / Script Engine
- Fixed inconsistent spawn eggs for villagers and zombie villagers for template worlds that require the original entities
- Fixed pivot point changes to Endermen made with Add-ons