Updates |
Pre 1.0
Pre-Release | 0.1.0 Post 1.0
Update 0.15.0 (The Friendly Update) was an update to Minecraft that was released on June 13, 2016 for all platforms.
- Minecraft Realms
- Achievements (iOS, Android, and Amazon)
- Texture Packs
Redstone Phase 3
- Pistons
- Sticky Pistons
- Bedrock Exclusive: The neck of the Piston has a broader base
- Bedrock Exclusive: Levers can be placed on Pistons
- Bedrock Exclusive: Can push Block Entities
- Observer
Blocks & Items
- Horse Armor
- Carrot on a Stick
- Fire Charges
- Name Tags
- All naming easter eggs
- Leads
- Tipped Arrows
- Bedrock Exclusive: Created by dipping arrows in potion-filled Cauldrons
Spawn Eggs
- Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg
- Horse Spawn Egg
- Donkey Spawn Egg
- Mule Spawn Egg
- Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg
- Zombie Horse Spawn Egg
- Husk Spawn Egg
- Stray Spawn Egg
Generated Structures
- Biome Based Villages: Taiga, Ice Plain and Cold Taiga Villages using Spruce Wood instead of Oak Wood; The Savanna Villages uses Acacia Wood, and Zombie Villages use Moss Stone floors.
- Jungle Temples
- Anti-Aliasing Option (Windows 10 and VR Only)
- Bedrock Exclusive: Changing the player's username to "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm" will flip the player upside down.
- New Home Screen Layout.
- This version is the first version not supported on iOS 7 or earlier.
- Pigs can now be ridden.
- Saddles can now be used to ride Pigs and Horses.
- Eating Particles and Sounds for Passive Mobs.
- Updated Skeleton AI.
- Endermen now spawn in the Nether.
Blocks and Items
- Cauldrons and Hoppers can now be stood inside.
- Maps can now be crafted with 8 Paper and 1 Compass.
- Trapdoors don't need blocks on any of their sides to be placed.