Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Minecraft Bedrock Wiki


Non-solid block

Tool Used



Yes (64)


Yes (14)



First Appearance

Update 0.1.0

Torches are Blocks added in Update 0.1.0.


Torches can be obtained by Crafting them in a Crafting Table. Torches can also be found in an Igloo's interior, on Village post lamps, inside of Strongholds, and along the sides of Abandoned Mineshafts.



Torches can be used to illuminate shady or dark areas. They can create temporary Airlocks underwater if placed. They can also be used for decoration.


  • Although not a solid block, it takes the space of a full block.
  • When placed underwater or contact is made with Water, the torch will immediately break.
  • It cannot be 'switched off' by a Redstone signal, unlike the Redstone Torch.
    • It also won't burn off unlike the Redstone Torch.
  • If Sand or Gravel falls onto a Torch, it will be destroyed and drop itself as an item.
  • Bug: There is a lighting bug, where if the Player moves through the Torch, it will darken.
Oak Wood ā€¢ Birch Wood ā€¢ Spruce Wood ā€¢ Acacia Wood ā€¢ Jungle Wood ā€¢ Dark Oak Wood
Oak Planks ā€¢ Birch Planks ā€¢ Spruce Planks ā€¢ Acacia Planks ā€¢ Jungle Planks ā€¢ Dark Oak Planks
Coal Ore ā€¢ Lapis Lazuli Ore ā€¢ Diamond Ore ā€¢ Emerald Ore ā€¢ Gold Ore ā€¢ Iron Ore ā€¢ Redstone Ore ā€¢ Nether Quartz Ore
Mineral Blocks
Coal ā€¢ Iron ā€¢ Redstone ā€¢ Emerald ā€¢ Gold ā€¢ Lapis Lazuli ā€¢ Diamond ā€¢ Nether Quartz ā€¢ Bone ā€¢
Stone ā€¢ Cobblestone ā€¢ Moss Stone ā€¢ Stone Bricks ( Mossy ā€¢ Cracked ā€¢ Chiseled ) ā€¢ Andesite ( P ) ā€¢ Diorite ( P )ā€¢ Granite ( P )
Sand ā€¢ Red Sand
Sandstone (Smooth | Chiseled) ā€¢ Red Sandstone ā€¢ (Smooth | Chiseled)
Dirt (Coarse) ā€¢ Grass Block ā€¢ Grass Path ā€¢ Podzol ā€¢ Mycelium ā€¢ Farmland ā€¢ Gravel ā€¢ Ice ā€¢ Frosted Ice ā€¢ Snow ā€¢ Bedrock ā€¢ Hardened Clay (Terracotta)
The Nether
Netherrack ā€¢ Nether Brick ā€¢ Soul Sand ā€¢ Glowstone ā€¢ Magma Block
The End
End Stone ā€¢ End Portal Frame ā€¢ End Stone Brick ā€¢ Purpur Block ā€¢ Purpur Pillar ā€¢ End Rod ā€¢ Dragon Egg ā€¢ End Crystal
Crafting Table ā€¢ Furnace ā€¢ Brewing Stand ā€¢ Anvil ā€¢ Enchantment Table ā€¢ Cauldron ā€¢ Beacon ā€¢ Signs ā€¢ Chest (Ender)ā€¢ Shulker Box ā€¢ Bed ā€¢ TNT ā€¢ Jukebox
Brick ā€¢ Slime Block ā€¢ Hay Bale ā€¢ Jack O'Lantern ā€¢ Slab ā€¢ Stairs ā€¢ Sponge ā€¢ Bookshelf ā€¢ Stonecutter ā€¢ Cobblestone Wall ā€¢ Iron Bars ā€¢ Glazed Terracotta ā€¢ Concrete (Powder) ā€¢ Glass (Pane ā€¢ Stained Glass) ā€¢ Red Nether Brick ā€¢ Nether Wart Block ā€¢ Banner
Ocean Monuments
Prismarine ā€¢ Dark Prismarine ā€¢ Prismarine Bricks ā€¢ Sea Lantern ā€¢ Wet Sponge
Power Source
Redstone Torch ā€¢ Lever ā€¢ Button ā€¢ Daylight Sensor ā€¢ Pressure Plate (Weighted) ā€¢ Observer ā€¢ Rail (Powered ā€¢ Detector ā€¢ Activator)
Redstone ā€¢ Redstone Repeater ā€¢ Redstone Comparator ā€¢ Dispenser ā€¢ Piston ā€¢ Hopper ā€¢ Door (Wooden ā€¢ Iron) ā€¢ Trapdoor (Iron) ā€¢ Dropper ā€¢ Redstone Lamp
Food Blocks
Cake ā€¢ Melon ā€¢ Pumpkin
Lava ā€¢ Water
Creative Only
Monster Spawner ā€¢ Command Block
Update Game Block ā€¢ Camera ā€¢ Nether Reactor Core ā€¢ Glowing Obsidian ā€¢ Invisible Bedrock ā€¢ Fire ā€¢ .name (Fire Placeholder)