Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Minecraft Pocket Edition Realms
The Official Realms Poster


Game Hosting Service





Minecraft Pocket Edition Realms is the official server hosting service for Minecraft which allows Players to create and manage their own private Minecraft servers called 'Realms'.


  • Control - After purchasing a Minecraft Pocket Edition Realm, the Player will have full control over it, including the name of the world, game mode, world size, etc.
  • Safety - On the Realms Dashboard, the Player can decide whom he/she wants to add to the realm, whether the realm should be online, and other safety options. Up to 10 Players can join a realm.
  • Custom Worlds - In Realms, the Player can choose to upload any of his/her current worlds. 
  • Cross-Device Compatibility - Realms is compatible across all Minecraft Pocket Edition devices - any Player with Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows 10 or Gear VR can play with another Player with any of the same.


  • Minecraft Pocket Edition Realms were added in Update 0.7.0.
    • However, Minecraft Pocket Edition Realms were removed from the game in April 2014 along with the Minecraft Pocket Edition Lite version due to some technical issues.
  • In Update 0.16.0 the background of the screen that appears when accessing Realms was changed from the default to the purple Nether Portal color.
  • As of Update 1.2, the Player can now use custom links of the Realm they own to invite other Players with ease.