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Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Jungle Temple
682px-Jungle Temple


Generated Structure


Jungle Biomes

First Appearance

Update 0.15.0

Jungle Temples are Generated Structures added in Update 0.15.0.


They can be found rarely in Jungle Biomes, often close to Water.



Jungle Temples are constructed mainly out of Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone. The Temple has a 15x12 base of Cobblestone. 

IMG 1027
IMG 1026


Jungle Temples consist of three levels on the inside. The upper level is empty, and from the main hall there is a Stairway leading down to the basement.

In the basement, there is 3 Levers on the Player's left controlling the trap. The trap itself is on the right and consists of 2 Dispensers filled with some Arrows connected to Tripwire Hooks. Behind the trap there are 2 Chests with some loot available. The first Tripwire is in the beginning of the hallway; while the second Tripwire is in front of the Chest.

There are two main methods to solve the puzzle of the temple:

  • Method 1: Flick levers – To solve the puzzle, the Player must flick the Lever closest to the stairs, then flick the Lever farthest away from the staircase, then flick the Lever closest to the stairs off, and then flick the Lever farthest from the stair off. The middle Lever is useless as it does not power anything. A piston Trapdoor will have been opened above the wall and the Player may go inside to retrieve the Items inside the Chest. Notice that there will be no way out if the Player can't mine or Block jump their way out.
  • Method 2: Break it – An easier way to solve the puzzle is to break the entire wall that holds the levers.

Loot Table[]

Loot found in a Jungle Temple:

Item Weight Chance Count
Group count: 2-6
Diamond Diamond 15/366 4.1% 1-3
Ironitm Iron Ingot 50/366 13.7% 1-5
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot 75/366 20.5% 2-7
Emerald Emerald 10/366 2.7% 1-3
9D3046E6-2069-41FF-854B-0D4D9FE063AF Bamboo 186/366 50.9% 1-3
Bone Bone 100/366 27.4% 4-6
Rotten Flesh Rotten Flesh 80/366 21.9% 3-7
Saddle Saddle 15/366 4.1% 1
Iron Horse Armor Iron Horse Armor 5/366 1.4% 1
Gold Horse Armor Gold Horse Armor 5/366 1.4% 1
Diamond Horse Armor Diamond Horse Armor 5/366 1.4% 1
Enchanted Book (Minecraft) Enchanted Books 6/366 1.6% 1
Based upon 1.7.0 resource pack

Note that Emeralds are actually mentioned twice in the official loot table.


  • They often generate partially underground.
  • Jungle Temples are the Jungle counterparts to Desert Temples.
Generated Structures
Lava PoolsTree (Fallen)CavesIce SpikesGiant MushroomsMoss Stone BouldersMineral VeinRavineFossil
Small Structures
Witch HutDesert WellIglooLibraryDungeon
Large Structures
Abandoned Mineshaft (Mesa)Woodland Mansion • Temples (Jungle | Desert)StrongholdOcean MonumentVillageShipwreck
Nether Structures
Nether FortressGlowstone Cluster
End Structures
End CityChorus TreeEnd PortalEnd Gateway Portal