Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Minecraft Bedrock Wiki

Hostile Mobs are entities that pursue and attack the Player if they are within visible range. Hostile mobs have different modes of attacking the Player.

List of Hostile Mobs[]

Zombie Zombie Villager Skeleton Creeper Slime Wither Skeleton Magma Cube Silverfish Elder GuardianFace GuardianFace
Zombie Zombie Villager Skeleton Creeper Slime Wither Skeleton Magma Cube Silverfish Elder Guardian Guardian
Ghast Blaze Spider Jockey Chicken Jockey Witch Husk Stray WitherFace Screen Shot 2018-12-23 at 2.24.11 PM
Ghast Blaze Spider Jockey Chicken Jockey Witch Husk Stray Wither Pillager
Enderdragon Face
Vindicator Head
Vex Head
Evoker Head


Ender Dragon Endermite Shulker Vindicator Vex Evoker Drowned Phantom


For Gallery, See Here


  • Hostile Mob Spawn Eggs were added to Creative Mode in Update 0.9.0.
  • Jockeys were added in Update 0.11.0 and could be found as rare spawns out of normal Spider and Zombie spawns.
    • More Jockeys involving Baby Zombies riding a Passive Mob or a Zombie, which were version exclusives, were added in Update 0.14.0.
  • Ocelots and bats are coded as Hostile Mobs but are actually Passive Mobs.
  • After Update 1.0, Endermites are the smallest Hostile Mobs.
  • Tiny Slimes are hostile to the Player but don't deal damage.
  • Before Update 0.16.0, Hostile Mobs wielding Items had no chance of dropping the wielded item when killed.
  • If The Player positions himself/herself within Double Tall Grass, Hostile Mobs will not be able to detect them.
  • Parrots have the ability to mimic hostile mob sounds, although they are off-pitch and have a faster tempo. This feature was added in Update 1.2.