Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
Minecraft Bedrock Wiki
150px-Minecraft Dungeon


Generated Structure



First Appearance

Update 0.9.0

Dungeons are underground Generated Structures added in Update 0.9.0.


Dungeons are normally found in connection to Caves, Abandoned Mineshafts, or Strongholds, partially intersecting with the first one.

The easiest way to locate a Dungeon is either to follow the sound of a Mob or locating the origin of a steady stream of a particular Mob type which can be spawned within a Dungeon.



The Dungeon is a room where the walls, roof, and floor are made out of Cobblestone and Moss Stone.


In the center of the room, there is a Monster Spawner and 0-2 chests around the walls. The Monster Spawner in a Dungeon only spawns one type of Mob, from the following list:

As described in detail on the Monster Spawner page, it can be disabled by adequate lighting, or it can be destroyed using a Pickaxe. However, destroying the Monster Spawner is, in general, a bad idea, as Experience farms can easily be built around a Monster Spawner.


It is possible to find the following loot in a Dungeon:

Item Weight Chance Count
Group 1 count: 1-3
Saddle Saddle 20/127 15.7% 1
Golden Apple Golden Apple 15/127 11.8% 1
Golden Apple Enchanted Golden Apple 2/127 1.6% 1
Music Discs Music Disc #13 15/127 11.8% 1
Music Discs Music Disc 15/127 11.8% 1
Name Tag Name Tag 20/127 15.7% 1
HorseArmorTypes Gold Horse Armor 10/127 7.9% 1
HorseArmorTypes Iron Horse Armor 15/127 11.8% 1
HorseArmorTypes Diamond Horse Armor 5/127 3.9% 1
Enchanted Book Enchanted Books 10/127 7.9% 1
Group 2 count: 1-4
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot 10/125 8.0% 1-4
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot 5/125 4.0% 1-4
Bread Bread 20/125 16.0% 1
Wheat Wheat 20/125 16.0% 1-4
Bucket Bucket 10/125 8.0% 1
Redstone (Dust) Redstone 15/125 12.0% 1-4
Coal Coal 15/125 12.0% 1-4
Melon Seeds Melon Seeds 10/125 8.0% 2-4
Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin Seeds 10/125 8.0% 2-4
Beetroot Seeds Beetroot Seeds 10/125 8.0% 2-4
Group 3 count: 3
Bone Bone 10/40 25.0% 1-8
Gunpowder Gunpowder 10/40 25.0% 1-8
Rotten Flesh Rotten Flesh 10/40 25.0% 1-8
String String 10/40 25.0% 1-8
Based upon 1.7.0 behavior pack

It's possible to access the loot in the Chests through holes from the sides of the Dungeon. If a hole is placed at floor level, neither of the Mobs can attack the Player with the exception of stray Arrows from Skeletons.


  • Very rarely, one Dungeon may intersect with another, forming a double Dungeon.
  • Sometimes, the Dungeon's Chests can spawn next to each other, creating a Double Chest.
  • Dungeons are often used to farm Experience, due to the large amounts of Mobs which spawn in Dungeons.
  • Bug: There was a bug where Chests were invisible. The Player could walk over them and bump into them, but could not access them.
  • Bug: Before Update 0.9.4, there was a bug that caused the Monster Spawners to spawn Hostile Mobs, even when on Peaceful.
  • Bug: In the Beta Builds for Update 0.15.0, there was a bug where Dungeons and Strongholds would not generate.
  • There is a small chance that a Dungeon could spawn at Bedrock level.
    • If the Player mined through the Cobblestone and Moss Stone, he/she could access the Void.

Generated Structures
Lava PoolsTree (Fallen)CavesIce SpikesGiant MushroomsMoss Stone BouldersMineral VeinRavineFossil
Small Structures
Witch HutDesert WellIglooLibraryDungeon
Large Structures
Abandoned Mineshaft (Mesa)Woodland Mansion • Temples (Jungle | Desert)StrongholdOcean MonumentVillageShipwreck
Nether Structures
Nether FortressGlowstone Cluster
End Structures
End CityChorus TreeEnd PortalEnd Gateway Portal