Sorry for bad english.... If we build our own village, and the player have bad omen effect, can the village get raid??
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Anything Goes
Hey everyone, Red here trying to make the next version of "Ban the User Above You", this wiki's most popular forum game. I’m sure you already know how to play along. But if you don't, here's an example for you:
Original Creator: The Deranged Umbreon (KUDOS)
Starlight45Oreos: Banned because monkeys eat bugs.
BrianGardenHead: Banned because the moon isn’t actually a crescent.
Flugmented: Banned because toads jump.
Basically, you just give some really random and/or ridiculous reason to ban the user above you.
Do keep in mind: cursing and, inappropriate remarks, and comments based on serious things are forbidden. Keep the number of instances of these things as little as possible.
Alright, now that that’s been said..
Let’s begin!
I hate these so-called "Villages", i loved the older villages where it was just a simple design, the older ones was truely a classic, along with the older villa-gers. Yeah, they also look cool and the Brown coats, White coats, or others, were basic and can fit in with anything! but these ones i can care or less, about... but the new villages you actually ruined... along with the basic quality of Minecraft years ago, pal!
Hey everyone, JAACA here trying to make the next version of "Ban the User Above You", this wiki's most popular forum game. I’m sure you already know how to play along. But if you don't, here's an example for you:
Original Creator: The Deranged Umbreon (KUDOS)
Starlight45Oreos: Banned because monkeys eat bugs.
Zoltegamer: Banned because the moon isn’t actually a crescent.
Flugmented: Banned because toads jump.
Basically, you just give some really random and/or ridiculous reason to ban the user above you.
Do keep in mind: cursing and, inappropriate remarks, and comments based on serious things are forbidden. Keep the number of instances of these things as little as possible.
Alright, now that that’s been said..
Let’s begin!
Hello! Mithrandir here with the most recent version of the forum game, "Do You Like ___"! For those of you who have participated in previous versions, I sure you know how to play. But if you don't, or happen to be new to this game and or the wiki, here is an example for you...
Original creator: Lewisthewikiar (Kudos)
Pigman0439: Do you like smoothly running apps?
TheKimbler1: Yes. Do you like cherries?
Wither13: Depends. Do you like Chess?
Understand now? Basically, all you have to do is ask if any user likes a particular topic, character, etc.
(Remember, no cussing, offensive comments and such like, keep wiki rules in mind while playing)
Ready to begin? Great! I'll start.
Do you like longswords?
Hello everyone! Pigman here with the next version of "Ban the User Above You", this wiki's most popular forum game. I’m sure most of you already know how to play along. But if you don't, here's an example for you!
Original Creator: The Deranged Umbreon (KUDOS)
Holroy: Banned because monkeys eat bugs.
Me: Banned because the moon isn’t actually a crescent.
RedstoneDemigod: Banned because toads jump.
Basically, you just give some really random and/or ridiculous reason to ban the user above you.
Do keep in mind: cursing and, inappropriate remarks, and comments based on serious things are forbidden. Keep the number of instances of these things as little as possible!
Alrighty, now that that’s been said..
Let’s begin!
Hello everyone! Mithrandir here with the newest version of the popular forum game, "What Would You Do?". If you've played part in the past games I'm sure you know how to play, but if you're new to this game, here's how to play.
In this forum game, you will point out whatever you would do in a situation, whether the action is good or bad. Example:
Original Creator: StateOfPsychosis (KUDOS)
JustJuuno: WWYD if there was a man in the woods?
Just An Assassin's Creed Addict: Probably destroy the multiverse. WWYD if your vocal cords stopped working?
HeyItsKayliKat: Write everything I want to say. WWYD if...
Get it now? Great! I'll begin:
WWYD if UFOs were real?
Hey everybody! Pigman here with another version of the seemingly popular forum game, 'In Three Words'. ! If you happened to play in the previous versions, you probably already know how to play. But if not, and your new to this, here's an example for you..
Me: Air.
Starlight45Oreos: Hot or cold. Shirt.
Rowletbeak: Fabric chest covering. Mountain.
Basically, describe something in 3 words then suggest a new one.
Understand now? Great! Then let us begin!
Hello everybody! Mithrandir here with the next version of "What's Your Idea of...." For all you who played in the past version, you probably know how to play, but if you happen to be new here's how.
Original Creator: Rowletbeak (KUDOS)
Basically, you give your idea of a situation above you.
Ender Creeper14: WIYI of homework?
RedstoneDemigod: Hate it. WIYI of social trends?
And so on...
1. Always use "WIYI of" at the start of your question.
2. Be nice!
3. All wiki rules apply here.
I'll begin:
WIYI of 2007 Dell Desktops?
Hiya everyone! Pigman here with the next version of the popular game, 'Guess What The User Below You Has.' To those of who have played this game before, I'm sure you already know how to play. But if you happen to be new to this game and or the wiki, here's an example for you...
(Original Creator (wiki): The Pixel Gun Wiki (KUDOS)
Okay, so this is how it goes. You have to guess what a person has/is/anything else and the person that replies below the last one has to state if it's true, if not a random answer.
Me: TPBM has bought a new car.
Starlight45Oreos: Nope. TPBM has eaten pickles on a sandwich.
RedstoneDemigod: Yes. TPBM has...
(Remember, no cussing, offensive comments or such like, and keep wiki rules in mind while playing.)
Get it now? Great! I'll begin:
TPBM has baked cookies.
Hello everyone! Gandalf here with the next version of "Ban the User Above You", this wiki's most popular forum game. I’m sure most of you already know how to play along. But if you don't, here's an example for you!
Original Creator: The Deranged Umbreon (KUDOS)
Holroy: Banned because of chocolate within M&M's.
Me: Banned because my Wi-Fi is slow.
JAACA: Banned because I’m unusual.
Basically, you just give some really random and/or ridiculous reason to ban the user above you.
Do keep in mind: cursing and, inappropriate remarks, and comments based on serious things are forbidden. Keep the number of instances of these things as little as possible!
Let’s begin!
Hello everybody! Mithrandir here with the next version of the game, "Can You Quote"! The way to play is simple: you have to mention a quote from a fictional or real character from somewhere you got, it can be from history, a book, a movie, a game, anything!
Here are a few examples of quotes:
RedstoneDemigod: "No, I am your father.” -Darth Vader
LykoiKittens: "They’re taking the Hobbits to Isengard!” Legolas
Me: “I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass.” -Me (Gandalf)
So, got it now? Great! Remember, wiki rules apply to the game too! Now, let's begin.
“He’s dead, Jim” -Dr. McCoy
Hello there, Mithrandir here with the 6th version of "The Tower Builder". The idea of the game is to build a tower (obviously). You may get crazy with the floor names (e.g. Gordon's Grassy Greenhouse instead of just Greenhouse, Le'Git Watches instead of Watch Store) but keep the rules in mind while playing. Also, if you are placing a service, like a Police Station, Fire Station or Courthouse, please keep these names intact. We don't want any criminals to be tried in "The People's Court," or get fire service from "The Hottest Fire Department".
Original creator:Timmaster12d4 (KUDOS)
Me: <starts the game> 1. Lobby with Basement
Awesome Person 132435: 2. Pokemon Center (or centre for you British chaps)
Pigman0439: 3. Tim Hortons
<x amount of comments later, over the comment limit>
JustJuuno: 176. Radio Station
Rowletbeak: 177. Airport/Heliport
An Admin or Discussions/Chat Moderator: 178. Roof, control towers and the closing of the thread.
1. Keep the political references to a minimum.
2. No curse words (this includes minor curses).
3. Always start with a number and a floor name to add to the tower. (e.g. 2. Greenhouse; 53. Airline Food, 108. Labor Union #3293)
5. Wiki and Forum rules still apply.
I will begin!
1. Cellar + all floors from the previous tower.
Hello everyone! Mithrandir here with another version of “Truth and Lies!” If you've played part in the previous versions, I'm sure you already know how to play, but if you just so happen to be new, here's how to play..
Original creator: Lnerdgirl55 (Minecraft Story Mode wiki)
The rules are simple, a user must give a statement, either true or false, and the next user must guess if it is true or false. The user guessing can look up to sources as well!
Here's a basic example:
Me: There are 112 elements in the periodic table.
Witherbrinedoctorwhonut: False. Stephen Hawking believed in the Multiverse.
Just An Assassin's Creed Addict: True? ...
Did you get it? Good. Remember that rules also apply in this game.
I'll start!
Protons are made of 2 up quarks and 1 down quark.
Hiya everyone! Pigman here with the second version of “Ask a Dumb Question, Get a Dumb Answer”! For those of you who played part in the first version, I’m sure you already know how to play. But to those of you who might be new to this game and or the wiki itself. Here’s an example for you...
(Original Creator: Plants vs. Zombies Wiki)
Internet Explorer 6: Why does dirt exist?
Just an Assassin’s Creed Addict: Because it turns to mud with rain.
RedstoneDemigod: Why is Pizza a food?
Me: Because it isn’t a tool.
Basically, as the title states, just give a dumb question a dumb answer! Simple, right?
Okay, now that explanations are past. I’ll start!
What does a pencil do besides draw?
Hello everyone! Pigman here with the next version of "Relate to it". This is a game where you would relate something to something else. There was a game exactly like this, but it had to be Minecraft related. This one does not! But, if you need a little understanding of the game, here's an example...
Original creator: XxMarioLover23xX (KUDOS)
RedstoneDemigod: Feather
Wolfboy231: Bird
Calebrey8: Wings
Me: Angel
JustJuuno: Heaven
Get it? Basically you just have to try and relate something to something. It's fairly simple, really.
1. No swearing
2. No sex, drug, or vulgar references
3. No offensive comments (racism, sexism, etc)
4. Keep the Wiki's rules in mind
Alrighty now, let's get this started!
Hello everyone! Mithrandir here with the next version of the popular forum game, "Ruin a Wish"!
Original Creator: The Deranged Umbreon (KUDOS)
Here's how to play:
Me: I wish for a Pencil.
Parakeet Gaming: Granted, but it has no lead. I wish for a candy cane.
iSharkyShark: Granted, but it's broken. I wish for...
Got it now? Great! Just remember to play by the rules. Nothing offensive is permitted, wiki rules apply here. Please write off topic comments inside square brackets.
Let us begin!
I wish for a response to this game thread.
Hello everyone! Mithrandir here with the next version of "Ban the User Above You", this wiki's most popular forum game. I’m sure most of you already know how to play along. But if you don't, here's an example for you!
Original Creator: The Deranged Umbreon (KUDOS)
Starlight45Oreos: Banned because of oreos within oreos.
Me: Banned because my Wi-Fi is slow.
JAACA: Banned because I’m the same.
Basically, you just give some really random and/or ridiculous reason to ban the user above you.
Do keep in mind: cursing, comments based on some serious things are forbidden. Keep them as minor as possible!
Let’s get started!
Hello everyone! Mithrandir here with the 9th version of the game "Which is Better". For those of you who played part in the previous versions, I'm sure you know how to play, but if you're new to this game and/or the wiki, here's how to play...
Basically a user asks which is better, providing two options, and the next user must chose one option, and so on.
Original creator: PvPMaster2001 (KUDOS)
JustJuuno: Which is better, bread or cheese?
Internet explorer 6: Cheese. Which is better, pen or pencil?
PvPMaster2001: Pencil. Which is better, burger or pizza?
You get the idea now, I'm sure. Remember, please don't curse or post any offensive or spammy comments. Now, without further or due, let's begin!
Which is better, old book smell or fresh book smell?