Hello all. Below is an important announcement that is slightly long, but I encourage all users to read it as it can determine the very future of this wiki. This message will have two parts.
The wiki
I will not sugarcoat this: The wiki is very close to dying out, permanently.
However, I would like to point out something that can possibly give some hope: The game has millions upon millions of weekly players and is consistently #1 in the app store. I am not sure about the Play Store, but I am sure it has a somewhat similar ranking. And console and Windows 10 sales are still running strong.
Considering this, there is more than a slight chance that this wiki can still recover. But, it is not in the hands of just the staff members to revive this wiki. You guys, the users, also have a huge role in this. After all, if the community itself does not want the wiki to be active once more, then what is the point?
So I have come up with some ways that we can all come together to make this wiki shine brightly once more, but I need your help.
I will be assembling a team that will focus on aspects to improve and advertise the wiki. Some topics include:
1. Sprucing up the wiki. Ask on my message wall for more details.
2. Help advertise on Community Central, Minecraft discord servers, and trying to reach out to any wiki friends. Also ask permission from other wikis to advertise. This is perhaps the most difficult topic, yet the most critical for the wiki.
3. Manage the wiki twitter. (I will give Twitter details at my discretion)
4. Be a builder on the new server/manage it. Also help give suggestions to the owner on how it could be improved, along with advertising the server as well. More on that in the second part of this message.
If you guys have any more suggestions, please let me know!
I advise each user to pick 2 topics as we have about 5-6 active users here anyways. But if you can only squeeze in 1 topic due to your schedule, that is also fine. I understand that not all of us have some free time to spare. Just please do pick a topic. The wiki will appreciate it in the long run.
Let me know on this thread what topic you have picked, so I can note it down and personally message you to let you know on the specifics of your topic.
The New Server
I am very excited to announce that we will be partnering with a new server!
On our discord server, I reached out to a user who was about to open a new server. He has agreed to partner with the wiki, so long as we advertise the server here.
The name of this server, I believe, is HitSpit. I will put the server IP later on in this thread, along with the discord server invite.
The server also needs builders, so if you love to build in Minecraft, or if you know someone who does, please say so in this thread!
This server also needs advertising, so if you get the chance to do so, please spread the word about it. It is relatively new and needs all the help it can get.
This wiki is in its most desperate time. However, with the addition of the new team and the server, I have confidence that this wiki could be revived. It just needs care and attention from the community, which I am positive you all will give.
Thank you, and may this wiki prosper once again. :)