Hello everyone! The voting process for the Discussions Moderator staff position has begun! Each user has 1 vote to choose the candidate they think is best fit for the position of Discussions Moderator. The candidate who gets the highest number of votes at the end of the voting process will be promoted to Discussions Moderator.
(For users that are new to this process, I suggest seeing this thread.)
Remember voters, before voting for a candidate, look at this thread to view their applications. It is strongly recommended voters look at the candidates' applications before they vote for a candidate.
If you want to know more, as to what a Discussions Moderator does for the wiki and why this position is being elected for, before voting, please look here.
Please note that the candidate you are voting could become an important part of our staff team, so it is necessary the candidate you voted for is best fit for the position, in your opinion. Hence, this is not the time to vote for friends or users you "like."
Click Here to vote!
Note: For users on Mobile or have JavaScript disabled for their browsers, go here.
Remember, please do not reveal who you voted for.
The voting process will end in seven days.
Good luck to all candidates, and may we have a fruitful election! :)