Hello everyone! As most of you may know, we had an admin election last month. Since it was so successful as so many users participated, both in applying and voting, I present to you our second election: the Content Moderator election!
For all of you who did not participate or see the last election, please look at this page to understand how this system works. I know many users here do not know what a content mod is and what are the rights and responsibilities of a content mod, as this wiki has never had a content mod before, so I will provide some information: Content mods can protect pages prone to vandalism and delete unnecessary and spammish pages. They can rollback any vandalism or unnecessary edits. The user must be familiarized with the format of pages on the wiki, and should be able to distinguish between correct and unnecessary edits. Due to so many administrative tools, this position is also regarded as a “mini-admin.” When an admin is offline, it is the content mod’s job to make sure everything is running smoothly around the wiki.
Think you can be the next, and the first, content mod of our wiki? Post your application on the other highlighted thread. All users are encouraged to apply. :)
If you have any questions regarding the position or this election, feel free to ask them down on this thread, and I'll be happy to answer them.