(finally able to play latest mcpe version with new smartphone (goodbye, ol' ipod 4th gen with max iOS6!)) anyways, found something interesting that i had not noticed before in previous versions. Because my brother (Floatingaxehead) is still quite active on this wiki, i asked him if this addition was part of some recent update, but he has never seen it before. if you want to go look for such, the seed is (without quotes) "seaworld". Anyways, the poor village is in some far-off corner of the map, so, good luck. Of the twenty or so villages I have found so far, only two have this unusual "well"; the other villages had normal, familiar-looking wells.

TBH, i did not make this. It just spawned with my map...
So, besides the wooden ladder and torch, this is essentially what it looks like from the surface. there's a short stairwell to the bottom level, below which was water surrounded by cobblestone. When i first saw this, i was excited, thinking it led directly to a stronghold, but NO... it's just some weird dungeon-well combination. I highly doubt this structure is limited to this seed so,...